Engaged in the Contemporary World
MSU Philosophy aspires to be a pluralist department that supports a wide range of approaches to doing philosophy. As a department, we pursue this work through attention to our core values: accountability, responsibility, and respect.
By pursuing these values, we commit to taking necessary actions to develop a departmental culture that sustains safety, inclusivity, and equity. These actions include self-reflection, open conversation, and focused workshops.
Our graduate program offers traditional and practical areas in
We offer
Small Class Sizes & Flexible Scheduling
Individual attention from award-winning faculty, staff, and advisors in classes offered on campus and online – create your own path through a major or minor.
Philosophy That Matters
Philosophical methods, resources, and elements of traditional areas of philosophy to help address practical issues of concern to society at large and to disciplines outside of philosophy.
Philosophy Beyond the Classroom
Senior Thesis, Philosophy Club, Fellowships, Distinguished Philosophy speaker series, experiential learning, career preparation.
Degree areas
Philosophy BA
Philosophy BA critically examines the most basic beliefs about the world and the place of people in it.
Philosophy Law Major
Philosophy BA-MA
Admission to the Linked Bachelor’s-Master’s program allows the application of up to 9 credits toward the master’s program
Philosophy MA
The Philosophy MA program may choose from the following areas: Philosophy and Ethics of Health Care, Social and Political Thought, Ethics and Development, Environmental Philosophy and Ethics
Philosophy PHD
Philosophy and Ethics of Health Care, Social and Political Thought, Ethics and Development, Environmental Philosophy and Ethics
Philosophy Minor
Philosophy Law Minor
Philosophy BA
A Philosophy BA critically examines the fundamental beliefs about the world and the place of people in it.
Philosophy BA-MA
Admission to the Linked Bachelor’s-Master’s program allows the application of up to 9 credits toward the master’s program
Philosophy MA
We no longer admit students to the MA program.
Philosophy PHD
The PhD program emphasizes a broad range of philosophical issues. Opportunities exist for interdisciplinary work, specializations, and concentrations.
Philosophy Minor
Philosophy Law Minor
How Can Philosophy Impact Communities?
Chayse Hurley ‘19
What Unique Skills can Philosophy Provide?
Victor Draine ‘12

Chase Hurley ’19

Victor Draine ’12

undergraduate experience
Our Philosophy major offers a you a personalized experience. We empower our students to think critically and examine the most basic beliefs about the world we live in.
Through the creation of the Engaged Philosophy Internship Program (EPIP), MSU’s Department of Philosophy is hoping to change how the world views philosophy.

“What we do in the Toolbox Dialogue Initiative is use philosophy to structure a dialogue among collaborators in complex projects that focus on real-world issues like climate change or invasive species.”
Michael O’Rourke
Professor of Philosophy
Director of the Toolbox Dialogue Initiative, an NSF-sponsored research initiative

Philosophy Professor Interviewed for the APA
Megan Dean discusses her work on the ethics of eating in a recent interview for the American Philosophical Association Blog.

Philosophy Department Recognized for the Engaged Philosophy Internship Program
The Daily Nous, a philosophy news site, recently recognized the department for excellence in preparing graduate students for non-academic career paths through the Engaged Philosophy Internship Program.

Fusing Ideas Through Philosophy: Center Elevates Collaborative Research Between the Arts and Sciences
“When we practice philosophy in C4I, we practice engaged philosophy. We apply principles and offer services that leverage the power of philosophy and help others understand why philosophy is important to the world.”

Philosophy Professor Recognized for Anti-Violence Research
Elena Ruíz’s anti-violence research has attracted the interest and support of advocacy organizations and philanthropic groups world-wide, including the Me Too Movement Organization for which she was named principal researcher for gender-based violence in January 2020.
featured News

Aaron Schultz Publishes Article in Philosophy and Technology
Diversions, or actions that cause distraction, are a unique way to modify another’s behavior and that unless we have an overriding reason to divert another’s attention we should treat diversions as wrongful. This analysis is particularly relevant for distraction technologies, which are intentionally created for the explicit purpose of diverting and capturing attention.

Toolbox Dialogue Initiative Center engages in team science community abroad
The Toolbox Dialogue Initiative Center (TDIC) has been traveling: first to Sydney, Australia, and then Utrecht in the Netherlands, where the 2024 Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Conference (ITD) took place.

The Bitter Aftertaste of “Technical Sweetness”
Technical sweetness. Scientists and engineers use this phrase when a puzzle’s solution presents itself, when all the pieces fit beautifully and functionally together, when success at the particular endeavor presents itself in a neat package. Technical sweetness is alluring, consuming, and, as we can see in the story of Victor Frankenstein, potentially blinding to what might follow from the solution being sought. Scientists who are driven by technical sweetness can fail to see what might be obvious to those with a bit more distance — that despite some projects’ allure, sometimes completing the project is not desirable.